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Class 3 Monday 13th July 2020 Transition week

12 Jul 2020


Good morning everyone!

Welcome to Class 3!

This week is transition week and we will be thinking all about our move to Year 3 and Year 4.
If you are a current Year 4 then you will need to go to Mr Breckon's Class 4 page because you will be moving up to Year 5 (we're going to really miss you!)

From September Mr Gamble (that's me cheeky) will be teaching you. Hopefully we know a bit about each other because you will have seen me about in school (I definitely hope that the Year 3s remember me!) but today we are going to get to know each other a bit better. 

Getting to know each other. 
Today we are going to tell each other about ourselves. Below are some things about me, and then I'd like you to tell me all about you too. 

 My favourite things:

especially the greatest team in the world, not Liverpool, or Barcelona but the mighty Port Vale!!! (You might have heard of them on tv when they read the score out, but most people think they are called "Port Vale nil".


Books - I love reading and I'm always reading at home. I like to read books about animals and books about adventures too.

Animals - I also love animals and have lots of pets for someone who lives in a small house. I have a very excitable and silly dog, a rabbit who is always trying to dig his way out of his rabbit run and escape, two fish tanks and a python. My wife wants to get more dogs too but I think we have enough!

- my favourite place is the park near to our house because it has some woods where we can let our dog run around and smell and roll in lots of gross things, and also a football pitch where I can take my little boy to play football and pretend that I am playing for Port Vale and kick the ball over the fence. 

Food - pretty much anything , there isn't much I won't eat but I do hate ketchup. I've eaten crickets and locust, as well as snails but I won't touch ketchup! 

Ok, now it is your turn to tell me a bit about you. Below is a sheet for you to look at and tell me all about yourselves. You might not be able to answer all of the questions, but if you can then please do. You also might want to draw some pictures to go with it. There might  be some other things that you want to tell me about yourselves too, feel free to put these on another piece of paper. 

If you want to send me any of your work today my email is . I'm teaching at school all day today but I'll try and email you back as soon as I can. 



I've put a link below but don't worry if you can't print out, not everyone has a printer at home (I don't) , you could just draw or write the answers to some of these instead.

  -all about me-V300748998.pdf-  

Favourite things to do:

On the sheet above we looked at some of your favourite things to do. Now I would like you to tell me in more detail all about what you like to do out of school and draw a picture of you doing your favourite thing and then label it. 

I love taking my dog for a walk so I could draw a picture of that, and then I could write about how he pulls me down the street whenever he sees a pigeon! It would be lovely if we could share some of these with each other to get to know everybody. 

If you want to send your work to me at then I can share some of these on tomorrow's webpage. 




Reading is a great activity to do and both really fun and really important. Please don't forget to do your 30 minutes of reading today. 


In Class 3 we are trying really hard to work on our tables and learn them and well as we can. Below is a link to a fun maths website that will help you to learn your tables. In the options section you can click to work on one table or lots of tables at the same time. I'll let you choose what you want to work on.

I also like to set my class a challenge, and today I'm going to set you a challenge on the football game because I said football is one of my favourite things.  I managed to get 760 points - I wonder if you can beat that?



It has been a loooooong time since we have done any music. If you would like to do a music activity, then Mrs Watkinson has a huge range of lessons available at the below link.

Crafty crafting. 

To finish off with I've put two fun craft ideas for you to have a look at. You can change these a bit if you would like though, it depends what you have at home . If you don't have any shells maybe you could use pebbles, or even make some of your own fish or sea creatures to put inside. 

Slide Show 

Slide Show 



Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow, 
Mr G


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