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Thursday 28th January

27 Jan 2021

Hello Class 1 !!
I hope you could join me this morning to hear our story One Snowy Night . You can listen to it by clicking here . The story is read by the Author Nick Butterworth!

Yesterday you explored cubes . Today we are going to explore cones  A cone has a curved face and a point . Solid cones have a flat face which is a circle . Listen to this this little cone song . Click here.
If you were to print with the flat face of a cone you would print a circle !
You could have a look at home and see if you can find any cone shapes ?
You might have some ice cream cones ? or warning cones with toy builders ? or some party hats ?
You could make a wizard's hat or a party hat by making a cone ! Cut out a large half circle of paper or card and the twist into a cone shape.( The centre of the stright side of the semi circle becomes the point of the cone ) You can decorate it first to make it interesting . You will need to fasten it into a cone shape by using selotape , staples or glue . You could wear it to show me tomorrow ?

Reception could cut out the cone label from the sheet you used yesterday .
Reception can you  order your numbercards to 10 and then complete Dotty toys 3 and 4 dot to dots in your maths pack ?

Reception Phonics 
Make a 3 sound phoneme frame on your white board . This is just a rectangle divided into 3 boxes ( a box to write each sound in. )
Can you write feet  in your phoneme frame ? now rub out the letters and try writing meet and then keep . Can you be super clever and write sheep ?
Have you noticed that the ee sound is often in the middle of a word ?
Find the sheet in your phonics pack with Book 2 Activity 5 in little writing in the bottom left corner . It has 3 pictures on of a boy eating a jam bun .
Read the sentences and phrases carefully and complete the sheet .

Can you say some nursery rhymes with your grown up?
Enjoy a book with lots of rhyming words in  with your grown up . You might have Shark in the Park or Oi Frog . 
You could listen yo Oi Frog here . Talk about the words that rhyme .

Fun Activity 

Make a cosy home for a toy woodland creature -like one of the creatures in the Snowy Night story . You could use a shoe box and sticks and leaves or anything else you think would work .

Have a great day Class 1
love from Mrs Todd and Mrs Hebblewhite . 

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