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Wednesday 29th April

28 Apr 2020

Good morning class 4 laugh


Time table






Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go! There's a link to Joe Wicks or our Real PE units 
Real p.e username:
password: grewelthor


We're doing some more addition. 

Group one.
Look at page 17. You've got a selection of numbers which you need to pick 3 of to make 100. There's many combinations (13 apparently.) It's not just a case of randomly picking 3 and hoping for the best; that would take ages. 
If you were making 10 what other number would you pick if you had a 5 and 1? You'd pick 4. 100 in a multiple of ten and so your units will need to make 10. Let's say you had 3
2 and 45 what would the ones/units number need to be in order to make the number a multiple of ten when you add them together? It would need to be a 3.  2 + 5 + 3 = 10.
Bear that in mind when choosing numbers to try. I can tell without adding for example that 13 + 20 + 53 would never make 100 because the units alone make 6 when added. 

Group 2 

Your challenge is on page 17; you need to arrange the numbers 1 - 10 so that they all fit into the letter but where each line (vertically, horizontally and In the W diagonally) make certain amounts. 
It's a trial and error task so don't be worried if it takes longer than normal addition. 


Thanks for your riddles - I had a good go at solving them. See if you can get them too.
  -Class Riddles-V294257008.docx-  

Today we're going to be doing some grammar. I've prepared a quick quiz on clauses in the slide show below. Work your way through it. 
Slide Show 

We're going to be focusing on something called parenthesis. That sounds like a really hard word but it just means extra information in a sentence. It's very similar to a relative clause but the difference is it's usually a one or two word fact to clear something up and it doesn't use a relative pronoun to link it. For example I could say: I come from a small town in the midlands. That should all make sense. But I could add in a bit more detail - such as which small town so: I come from a small town (Ironbridge) in the midlands. The extra bit 'Ironbridge' has given a bit more detail but wasn't essential to the sentence. 

Here's another: Mrs Smith is always popping around to see me.
Now with parenthesis. Mrs Smith (my neighbour) is always popping around to see me. 
Why did that help? It enabled us to know who Mrs Smith was. 

So it's like adding a fact in which helps the reader with understanding something in the sentence. 
You can use brackets, commas or dashes (-) to mark parenthesis. 

Please go onto this website, watch the videos and complete the online tasks

Once you've completed that, there's a page in your English pack (page 12) which I'd like you to complete. 
Find the extra information in each sentence. When you think you've found it, read the sentence aloud without it and if it still makes sense then that probably is the parenthesis. 

Please use commas, dashes or brackets to mark the parenthesis on each sheet. 
P.S - number ten is really a relative clause rather than parenthesis because it uses a relative pronoun but mark it in anyway.

P.P.S - Spellings - don't forget cheeky


English Heritage are offering live history lessons for children every Wednesday; they are live on facebook so you will need to ask your parents if they mind (if they don't have an account then don't worry) but if they do they'll need to click and they'll need to 'follow' the page to gain access to watch their live content.
Lessons begin at 11:30 prompt so be sure to have done all the signing in sometime before then. This week's is all about Hadrian's wall.


Click on the third activity ‘Games Track – Livin On A Prayer’

Choose the ‘Gold Challenge’.

  1. Have a go at ‘Move to the Pulse’. Make it harder by choosing 4 pulses per move.
  2. Click on ‘Rhythm Grid’. Make up your own rhythm to go with the backing music.
  3. Click on ‘Rhythm Grid’. Make up your own rhythm to go with the backing music. In the bottom half of the screen you will see 5 squares with blobs in. They represent different notes/rhythm patterns. Drag and drop the squares into the grid above to create a rhythm. Try filling in the whole grid.
  4. Now click on ‘Hear’ then the play button and you will hear your rhythm being clapped over the backing track. Can you clap your rhythm?
  5. If you would rather see notes than blobs then click on ‘Settings’ and choose ‘Notes’ (second up from the bottom).

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