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Remembrance day

12 Nov 2021

We began our week by thinking about the upcoming remembrance day. We saw some pictures of world-war scenes and reflected on what situations people of conflict must be presented with. Class 4 wanted to make a visual show of our remembrance so decided to spend an afternoon working on drawing techniques. We cut sections out of remembrance pictures and tried to focus on the shapes, shades and colours to fill in the gaps. 



Please come and view our finished pieces on the hall windows - we'll leave them up for another week. 

Also, our two head school councillors met up with a representative from the village to lay a wreath down on behalf of the school at the Wayside cross, in the centre of the village. It's an important tradition which has continued for 104 years! 


In maths we've been learning about prime numbers, factors and multiples. It can be tricky to recall prime numbers beyond 20 as many look like prime but are infact composite. Mr Breckon always gets 91 wrong... do you know why that's not a prime number? There are 25 below 100 and year 6 have done well to identify them and recall them at speed. 

Here we are playing games to develop our quick recall of primes


 We also began our science topic; we're looking at classifying animals into groups. At first this seemed incredibly easy but actually animals are more similiar than you think. We learnt that being a taxonomist is a job, where classifying animals is needed to understand more about our similarities and differences. 

We sorted a selection of animals as a class using scientific characteristics and learning new vocabularly 

We then worked in pairs to sort a different selection of animals out another way.


And finally, we'd like to welcome the newest member of our class. We're not sure of their name and there appears to be two of them. They were keen to join us for our morning work and hopefully went away more educated and insightful.


Happy weekend 

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