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Moving Posters

12 Apr 2024

Our first week back has been a very exciting week as we have been making moving posters. We have been looking at how levers and linkages can be used to make mechanisms, and then using these ideas to create our own moving posters.
We have had lots of fun trying out different methods to link the levers together and finding out how we can make things move. The children have really used their imaginations well, and they have made everything from fire-breathing dragons that spit out fireballs, to beanstalks that grow next to Jack's house (in case you haven't guessed we linked our posters to our writing theme which is fairy tales).
 Not bad for a first go!

After a bit of trial and error the children created some brilliant designs and really enjoyed their d and t project. 
Our prototypes are all finished and we're just adding the last few touches to our final designs now.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

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