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Back to School and Grewelthorpe Village

20 Mar 2021

What have we been doing back at school?

Sharing books with my friends.



Working together to make a  lego village.

Relaxing in the reading area.


Making new friends.


Playing maths games with my partner.

Who can use place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to win the game of '4 in a row'?

What geographical features will we find in Grewelthorpe?
We went for a walk around the village to see if we could find all the geographical features that we thought would be there. 

We found: houses, a pond, hedges, a village hall, stone walls, a church, roads, a playground, sign posts, a hill, fields, a church, and a school! 

Can we sort the features into human features and physical features? 

 Yes we can!

And finally some music!


You have to listen really carefully to play the drum in time to the pulse while someone is singing.

We discovered that
you can make people want to move in different ways depending on how you play.

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